Liquid Diet Protein Shake

Will a liquid diet that is made up primarily of protein shakes help you lose weight? Let's take a quick look at the nutrients that protein shakes contain.

Depending on the recipe you use for making the shake, the nutrients may vary. For instance, your shakes may be very high in protein, but very low in carbs. These shakes are ideal for those who wish to lose weight.

\"Protein Shake Diet\"

Liquid shakes are great if you want the nutrients in the drink to be absorbed quickly by the body. The best time to consume the shake is right after your workout. You can feel your muscles "crying" out for proteins!

Liquid Diet Protein Shake

So is a liquid diet like that effective? The answer is yes. You can lose weight very quickly if you just take a liquid diet. However, bear in mind that the digestive system works 24 hrs a day. When your stomach is empty, you start to feel hungry. That is the biggest challenge if you are to go on a liquid diet. You have to combat the feeling of starvation all the time. Being able to lose weight while starving certainly isn't enjoyable.

So a pure liquid diet isn't recommended. Your body needs to be fueled throughout the day. For example, too much of whey protein and not enough casein protein can be bad for your body. Casein proteins break down slowly, so your body has a constant supply of proteins. Whey protein, on the other hand, goes straight into the blood stream and is absorbed by the body very quickly. Ideally, you want a balance of both types of protein.

Keep the above in mind if you are considering going on a (strictly) shakes diet.

Liquid Diet Protein Shake

Burn fat and get ripped with whey protein shakes - Read more about GNC Protein Shake Benefits